Got questions?

Standard delivery time for most magazines is 6-10 weeks, depending on the date an order is placed and the publication’s frequency. Some monthly magazines and those published less frequently may take a little longer. For digital magazines, please allow 2 to 4 weeks to receive an email or postcard from the digital subscription provider when your subscription is available.

Make sure the correct digits have been entered. Uppercase and lowercase letters are important to the uniqueness of each code. There are never spaces before or after the code. Please make sure that you are not substituting the letter "O" with the numeral "0" or the letter "l" with the numeral "1" or letter "i". To avoid incorrect codes, copy and paste it into the code box. Make sure your code has not expired. Make sure that the email address you have entered is valid and using proper email format. Please use the email address where you wish to receive your confirmation email.

Yes, you can use it to give a gift to anyone with a United States mailing address. Just choose "This is a gift" option when completing the form.

Absolutely! Just be sure to enter the exact same name and address that is used for your current subscription.

Yes, the magazine reward codes will expire. The expiration date is 30 days from the promotion date (unless otherwise noted).

The promotion you have received is specifically for the magazine(s) offered, substitutions cannot be made.

∙ Please manage your subscription on our web site:

∙ Login by using the same email address you used to redeem your magazine reward code.

∙ If you are logging in for the first time after redeeming the code, please use the "Forgot your password?" option to receive a password via email.

∙ MagTracker lets you manage all your magazine subscriptions online 24/7. You can view your active subscriptions, change your mailing address, cancel subscriptions and more.

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